PCB releases detailed judgment on Umar Akmal’s case
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has released a detailed judgment on Umar Akmal’s case which has been passed on by the Chairman of the Independent Disciplinary Panel, Mr. Justice (retired) Fazal-e-Miran Chauhan yesterday.
Umar Akmal recently got banned by PCB for being under two charges of breaching the anti-corruption code of conduct of the board.
Umar has found himself under troubles several times. Disciplinary issues have always been the part of his past and he suffered a lot already due to this.
PCB releases detailed judgment on Umar Akmal’s case
Earlier, when Akmal’s franchise, Quetta Gladiators, was to kick off PSL’s first match, the batsman got banned by the board and nobody knew an authentic reason. In a later hearing, the board imposed a ban on him for straight three years which has deprived him of taking part in any form of cricket till the ban ends. He will now be able to return to cricket on 20th February 2023.
Justice (R) Chauhan, in his remarks, said, “It appears that he (Umar Akmal) is not prepared to show remorse and seek an apology, make an admission that he failed to fulfill his responsibility under Anti-Corruption Code, Article 2.4.4.”
According to the panel head, “he tried to take refuge under the pretext that in the past whenever any such approaches were made, the matter was reported by him.”
“As far as Charge No.1 is concerned, I do not see any circumstances to mitigate the nature of the offence, particularly, when the participant (Umar Akmal) has not cooperated with the PCB Vigilance and Security Department and the investigating team.” Justice (R) Chauhan added.
“In view of the admission of the participant (Umar Akmal) that he failed to disclose to the PCB Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Department, the details of the approaches and invitations extended to him without unnecessary delay. The charge as framed is proved and the participant (Umar Akmal) has rendered himself liable to be punished for breach of Article 2.4.4,” he maintained.
“Charge No.2, breach of Article 2.4.4 of the Code by failing to disclose to the PCB Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Department of the PCB, full details of the approaches and invitations received by you (Umar Akmal) to engage in corrupt conduct under the Code in respect of matches in PSL 2020,” he added.
“It is also admitted by him (Umar Akmal) that he failed to report the approaches and invitation to the PCB Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Department, as required by the PCB Code, Article 2.4.4. In view of the above charge as framed, stood proven and the participant has rendered himself to be punished under Article 6.2 of the PCB Code.”
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